zondag 6 juli 2014

Lev Tolstoj -- 6 juli 1852

Lev (Leo) Nikolajevitsj Tolstoj (1828–1910) was een Russische schrijver die veel invloed heeft gehad op de Russische literatuur en politiek. Uit: The diaries of Leo Tolstoy.

July 6th. Zheleznovodsk. — Rose at 6. All teeth aching, but I proceeded to Zheleznovodsk, and, despite terrible sufferings, uttered not a groan, nor lost my temper. Slept, chatted with . . . [indecipherable], and played at chess. Discussed with him the aim which I have discovered in life. Regret that I did so. Evidently do not greatly value this thought if I can decide to talk of, to demonstrate, it to others. However, it is the best thing of which I have yet thought or read. This is the truth. Am going to bed after 11.

July 7th.—Rose at 6. Teeth were aching, and I was conscious of great weakness. Drank the waters. The forest is delightful. Wrote to Tatyana Alexandrovna a letter which I shall not dispatch; also one to Nikolenka. Must make all possible haste to complete the satire of my Letter from the Caucasus; though satire is not natural to me. Drank the waters, took a bath, and again caught cold in my teeth, so that they are aching at this moment Going to bed at 11.

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