zaterdag 28 augustus 2021

Allen Ginsberg • 28 augustus 1962

Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) was een Amerikaanse dichter en schrijver. In zijn Indian Journals doet hij verslag van zijn verblijf in India in '62/'63.

The Fights 1962
U.S. vs Russia in General / China vs Formosa over Possession / India vs. China over border territory / India vs. Pakistan over possession Kashmir — Religious / India vs. Portugal over possession Goa / India vs. Nagas over Independence / Egypt vs. Israël over possession of territory & Religion / E. Germany vs. W. Germany sovereignty / Cuba vs. U.S.A. — Ideas / N. Korea vs. So. Korea — Sovereignty / Indonesia vs. Holland — Territory / France vs. Algeria — Territory / Negroes vs. whites — U.S. / Katanga vs. Leopoldville / Russian Stalinists vs. Russian Kruschevists / Peru A.P.R.A. vs. Peru Military / Argentine Military vs. Argentine Bourgeois / Navajo Peyotists vs. Navajo Tribal Council — Tribal / W. Irian? / Kurds vs. Iraq / Negro vs. Whites — So. Africa — Race / U.S. Senegal vs. Red Mali — Territory / Ghana vs. Togo — Territory / Ruanda Watusi vs. Ruanda Bahutu — Tribe power / Kenya Kadu vs. Kenya Kana — Tribe power / Somali vs. Aetheopia, Kenya, French Somali / Tibet Lamas vs. Chinese Tibetan Secularists / India vs. E. Pak — Assam Bengal over Border & Tripura / Algeria vs. Morocco over Sahara.

Internal Friction w/bloodshed:
Panama / Venezuela / Peru / Brazil / Argentina / Guatamala / Haiti / Hungary / Poland / E. Germany / Roumania? / Greece? / Algeria / Albania vs. Russia — Ideology / Nepal vs. India — Border Raids.

Aug. 28
To be or not to Be Speech: Hamlet, if you take up action you'Il get killed in it, if not, you'll get killed anyway, surrounded by the hosts of Rheumatism & Cancer and pleuresy & stroke. Either way go into the mouth of Krishna as the armies on the Field of Krushekta (?) — Baghavad Gita. It's a laugh, either way, to be flung into the mouth of life.

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