• Vijftig jaar geledden, 15-21 augustus 1971, vond het beruchte, tot de verbeelding sprekende Stanford Prison Experiment plaats, waarbij willekeurig aangewezen bewakers een groep willekeurig gekozen gevangenen moesten bewaken. Het experiment liep dermate uit de hand dat het na 6 dagen beëindigd moest worden. Een en ander trok de aandacht van het grote publiek, met als voornaamste 'conclusie' dat het slechte in ieder mens zonder veel moeite aan de oppervlakte gebracht kan worden — maar achteraf was er zwaarwegende kritiek op de opzet en uitvoering, en werden de nodige kanttekeningen en vraagtekens geplaatst bij de conclusies. Luister eventueel naar deze NRC-podcast. Hier een verslag van het experiment, en hieronder een 'dagboek' van een van de bewakers die zich het meest lieten gaan in hun behandeling van de gevangenen.
Journal of Guard “John Wayne”
Day 1 – 5: 45 P.M.
Well, let me just say I’m glad to have been selected to be a guard. The poor guys who got selected to play the prisoner have to literally stay in a tiny cell all day. They also have to wear these ridiculous gowns with no undergarments. I heard they brought them in blindfolded and had them actually arrested by the police. That’s pretty legit, if you ask me.
I’m not quite sure what I’m supposed to do as a guard. They gave me a very serious uniform which is a little uncomfortable to wear. I mean, not the material so much as the status. I look pretty official; it’s weird. The experimenter (or warden, as is his role) didn’t really say much as to what we would be doing, except to say we could “take any measures needed to keep control of prison, outside of physical violence.” That sounds pretty intense. I doubt we’ll need to do anything. I just want to get paid and move on.
Day 2- 10:36 A.M.
The prisoners have barricaded themselves into their rooms using their beds. I’m not sure what to do. We didn’t really receive any proper training for this sort of thing. I don’t know why they’re barricading their doors, but if they’re going to act like this then I guess I need to put them in their place.
Another guard and I were discussing taking their mattresses once we are able to break in. I’ve also looked into using the isolation chamber. The warden said we were allowed to use it, if we felt it was necessary. I’m thinking it’s necessary. But, I don’t think it will be enough. We’re going to have a brainstorming meeting and see what kinds of punishments we can administer.
Day 4 – 2:21 A.M.
The prisoners have shown more resistance, but we’ve got them under control. We’ve discovered push-ups and stripping them naked has kept some of them submissive. The weakest ones have been pulled out of the prison by the warden. I guess they couldn’t handle the consequences of their actions.
There are still a few insubordinate ones we will have to further punish. Prisoner 416 was being particularly troublesome today, so we locked him in isolation and had the other prisoners stand outside their cells shouting, “Prisoner 416 did a very, very bad thing!” They can’t stop until he gives in. Can’t be too much longer.
Day 6 – 8:45 A.M.
The warden walked in on our “Camel Hump” punishment. He and others were not pleased, although I felt the prisoners were doing what they deserved.
The warden ended the experiment. I don’t know whether I feel relieved or disappointed. This was supposed to continue on for two weeks; it didn’t even last a whole week. I wonder what changed his mind? I thought this was kinda fun.
wajo `kinda fun`