• Dagboekfragmenten van Otis Keene (1830-191?) over de aanslag op president Lincoln.
Friday April 14, 1865
A lovely morning but chilly. News good. Order to stop the draft & recruiting. Genl Grant in the City. Eve. Abbie & I went down to the avenue to see the Arsenal torch light procession. Heard Secy. Stanton speak. Most awful intelligence reaches us at 12 midnight, that President was shot at 10-30 at Fords Theatre. Also that Secty Seward had been assassinated at his House at about the same hour by some [sic] by the assassin; God grant that they will be captured. Mrs Lincoln, Miss Harris & Maj Rathman were in the box with the President.
Saturday April 15, 1865
Oh Lord help our bleeding and afflicted Nation in this hour of its sad bereavement and irreparable loss. Our beloved and most noble of all Presidents, Abraham Lincoln, is no more. He has fallen by the traitorous hand of one of the poisonous instigators of this awful wicked rebellion. He expired at 7 A.M. after a lingering of a few hours. We just hear that Fredk Seward, asst secty, is dead from the effects of his wounds. Not at work to-day. Went down the avenue purchased crepe &c to drape the House & flags. The City generally is draped in mourning for the departed hero and martyr to his cause country & his people. His body was moved to the White House at 9 o’clock A.M. Intense excitement all over the City. Copperheads & traitors dare not speak or be seen.
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