• Philip Hone (1780-1851) was een Amerikaans politicus en burgemeester van New York. Hij hield een uitgebreid dagboek bij van 1828 tot aan zijn dood in 1851.
February 25, Sunday
I heard early this morning of the fatal termination of this savage rencontre. Mr. Cilley was killed on the third fire. It was reported that Webb and Mr. Duncan, of Ohio, were to fight today; but this was contradicted by a letter which I received this evening from Charles King, of which the following is an extract; "The fatal issue of the duel of yesterday has caused a deep sensation. There will not be, however, in my opinion, any more fighting. Webb is truly and deeply distressed. He will remain here till Tuesday, rather so as not to appear to avoid any consequences, than because there are consequences to be apprehended. Graves is, of course, sobered and saddened, though with the consciousness that he had done all that he could have done to avoid fighting. They fought about five o'clock, on the Annapolis road, and fired trhree times; the third shot from Graves passed into the cavity of Mr. Cilley's stomach. He placed his hand on the wound, made a convulsive movement to his second, fell, and died without uttering a word. It is singular that Cilley, who in practicing the day before had shot eleven balls in succession into a space not bigger than your hand, did not hit Graves at all. So confident were Mr. Cilley's political friends that Graves would be killed, that in the House during the day there was, it is said, manifest exultation at the idea. Some washerwoman or servant told Mrs, Crittenden, in the hearing of Mrs. Graves, that Mr. Graves had gone out to fight, and she had to pass five mortal hours in all the agony of suspense. Mr. Clay, whom I saw in his bod this morning, told me he had had an interview with her, so fearful that it had absolutely kept him awake all night, and made him so sick and nervous this morning, from the mere recollection of it, that he cannot get up. The event of Mr Cilley's death will be announced to-morrow. The funeral will then take place, and of course both houses will adjourn. It is not impossible that after the death is announced some discussion may arise upon the manner of the death, and some attempt be made to censure the practice generally, and perhaps in this particular case even."
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