• William Cobbett Skinner (1857-1947) was een Amerikaanse zijdefabrikant. In 1876 hield hij als 19-jarige een dagboek bij. Dit dagboel eindigt op 31 december 1876, dus Skinner kon geen melding maken van de uiteindelijke uitslag van deze zeer lang uitgesponnen verkliezingsstrijd, die werd gewonnen door de republikein Hayes
November 7, 1876, Tuesday Rainy – Went to the polls with Uncle Geo. also to the factory and several places with G— Read in the after-noon. In the evening Tom & William Iles came up also. Geo later as they wanted a fourth hand at whist – I played we (Tom, myself) were three out of five – Election day – Tilden is the democratic candidate and Hayes the Republican. the chances are in favor of Tilden I am glad to say.
November 8, 1876, Wednesday Missed the 9:34 so did not get to the city until about 12 o’clock. Found two letters one from Mother and aother from Libbie. the latter has fallen down and sprained her ankle so I went to see if I could do any good. Mothers letter was full of news – Business was pretty good – I saw the Tribune at Uncle Geo. it said Tilden is elected – The excitement is intense as the election of T- is doubtful –
November 9, 1876, Thursday Father arrived in New York on the five o’clock train. Had tea with father and afterwards went to see the “Loan Exhibition” with him – All are well at home. Great excitement as to who is elected. No change since yesterday.
November 13, 1876, Monday
Wrote to Nell & Libbie – Very fine = Arrived at the store at about 9 o’clock. Business is very dull and will be until it is decided whether Tilden or Hayes is to be our next president for the question is not yet settled – Bought myself a cane –
December 2, 1876, Saturday
Took Aunt Ruth over to Uncle James’ and stayed for over an hour. The funeral takes place tomorrow at 2 o’clock – The democrats are trying to persuade father to run for Mayor but he positively declined – They held their caucus this evening and nominated Ross Crafts for Mayor – The majority of people are worried about the state of the country as neither Tilden nor Hayes are yet elected – a great many people fear a civil war.
December 6, 1876, Wednesday
Last night a most awful calamity happened here in Brooklyn. The Brooklyn Theatre was burned and as was afterwards found out over 300 lives – the fire originated by some combustible matterial coming in contact with the foot-lights – The presidential question is expected to be settled today and Hayes is expected to be the lucky man.
December 18, 1876, Monday
Snow about six inches deep, awful walking, rained very hard, awful cold – Wrote to Libbie & Belle – Bought myself some rubbers 0 Trade is very dull – Neither Tilden or Hayes are yet president although the Republicans will probably count Mr. Hayes in – Expect to go home next Saturday to spend the holidays.
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