• Emma Thompson (1959) is een Britse actrice. In 1995 hield ze een dagboek bij tijdens de opnames van Sense and Sensibility, een film naar het boek van Jane Austen, van regisseur Ang Lee.
Monday 24 April: New location: the front room of Mrs Jennings's London house is being shot on the Flete Estate, in the owner's home. The rest of Mrs Jennings's house will be shot in Salisbury. Most locations on film are a composite of several buildings — it's rare to find everything you need in one place, and Ang is very particular about the dimensions, colour and light in a room.
Lunchtime. Long rehearsal with Imogen Stubbs as Lucy, in the scène where Edward comes in and finds her with Elinor. There are eighteen set-ups. (Each shot is referred to as a set-up. We tend to shoot anything up to ten takes on every set-up. The number of the take is written on the clapperboard, or 'slate', and sometimes a shot will be called a slate.) It will take two days. Hugh won his Bafta for Four Weddings and was good in the scène. Bastard.
8.30 p.m. Home to Alston Hall. Raining. Soup, glass of wine. Very difficult scène and all a little tired but good concentration nonetheless. Four people in a room, each with entirely different motives and reactions to the same situation, requires a lot of coverage. Ang's taken to requesting what he calls 'smirks' [een smirk is volgens het woordenboek een 'aanstellerig lachje'].
'Endearing smirk, please' — which I find pretty tricky.
'Try rigorous smirk' — even trickier. I give it a go but end up going purple with the effort. Very little appetite.
Tuesday 25 April: Grey 6 a.m. We continue the scène. It's Hugh's close-up. After several takes, Ang said to Hugh, 'Now do it like a bad actor.'
Hugh: 'That was the one I just did.'
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