• Margaret Smell (?-?) was op bezoek in Dayton, Ohio, toen daar de overstroming plaatsvond. Dagboek.
Oh! what a sad, sad sight met our eyes on Wednesday morning when daylight appeared with the
mad water almost touching the floor of the second story of the house we were lodged in, with all
kinds of furniture floating down the street, pianos included. Towards noon relief parties came by
boat to rescue those in perilous positions, and bringing food to the rest of us we were seeking
safety in the attics around. As the water had now reached its highest point in the memorable
morning of March 26th at one o’clock AM and was now at a standstill. For many hours our food
was handed to us from boats through the windows of the second stories. Never shall we forget
the brave heroic efforts on the part of the more fortunate ones to get food and sustenance to those
imprisoned by the deep water and what a problem it must of been to immediately procure cooked
food sufficient to feed thousands of people. But thanks be to God and to the great and noble Mr.
Patterson and numbers of other unselfish blessed ones who so nobly responded to the aid of the
suffering people until outside aid from other cities could come with their generous donations.
Oh! the loving noble work of people many, many miles away who had heard of the desperate
conditions the people were subjected to in all the flooded districts. Now we know they worked
with might and main so valiantly to reach us with necessities of life after the terrible raging
waters had subsided so that boats could not float and with the thousands of horses drowned. We
wondered how aid could be brought but were not long kept in suspense when large express
wagons with large stout horses driven by larger hearted drivers through the mud and slush they
came to our aid with well filled baskets of ready prepared provisions, good homemade
sandwiches, boiled potatoes and eggs, cookies and apples. Each basket containing bottles of
fresh water which was highly appreciated. Oh! how our hearts did turn to the bountiful giver of
all good, who touched and tendered the hearts of so many dear people to work so valiantly and
tirelessly to send food and aid to the suffering many.
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