• Meriwether Lewis (1774-1809) en William Clark (1770-1838) voerden van 1804-1806 een verkenningstocht uit in het zogeheten Louisiana Territory, van de Midwest tot aan de kust van de Grote Oceaan. Zij en de andere expeditieleden beschreven hun bevindingen nauwgezet in hun Journals.
Monday February 10th 1806.
[Lewis] Drewyer visited his traps today but caught no beaver. Collins and Wiser returned had killed no Elk. Willard arrived late in the evening from the Saltworks, had cut his knee very badly with his tommahawk. he had killed four Elk not far from the Salt works the day before yesterday, which he had butched and took a part of the meat to camp, but having cut his knee was unable to be longer ucefull at the works and had returned. he informed us that Bratton was very unwell, and that Gibson was so sick that he could not set up or walk alone and had desired him to ask us to have him brought to the Fort. Coalter also returned this evening. continue the operation of drying our meat.
[Ordway] a fair morning. a little Snow fell last night. in the afternoon two men came in from the Salt works and informed us that Gibson is verry Sick at the Salt works and Bretn verry unwell. the 2 men who came had killed 5 Elk but got only a little of it at the Salt works.—
[Gass] A light snow fell last night, and the morning was pleasant. In the afternoon two men came from the salt works, with information that two others were sick and a third had cut his knee so badly he could scarcely walk.
[Whitehouse] We had some Snow fell during last night and this morning the weather was clear & pleasant. In the evening, two of our Men came in to the fort from the Camp, where our people were making salt, they informed us, that one of the Men there, was very sick, and another of the Men there, was unwell, they told us also that they had killed 6 Elk, but did not save much of the Meat. The two hunters who went out Yesterday, returned to the fort, but had kill'd no kind of Game.—
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