• Fannie Gerould (1857-1926) was een Amerikaanse onderwijzeres. In 1881 was ze 23 jaar oud en woonde nog bij haar moeder. In oktober trouwde ze en werd boerin. Haar dagboeken over 1878 en 1881 zijn bewaard gebleven.
Thursday, July 21
Pleasant and quite warm espedcially in the sun. The wind blew some from the West: and very very dusty in the road. I arose at six and eat my breakfast abou seven. Minnie Brainard came up and went to school with me and stayed all day. I had some time in which I visited before schooltime. School passed of pleasantly as usual with nine scholars after which I returned to Mr. James Burnsides and found Miss Doty their sewing. I read what time I had. I shall sleep with Miss Doty.
Friday, July 22
Pleasant and quite warm also dusty and dry. I arose about six this morning and eat breakfast at seven then visited untill schooltime with the girls, Minnie and Miss Doty. School passed of pleasantly as usual after which Eddie Cowell came for me or just before it was out. I finished then went home. When I got their I found my folks all gone down to Gertie Encil’s school picnic. So I went over town and got me some new shoes and put them on and went back also down to Auntie’s a few moments, and home again.
Saturday, July 23
Quite cool all night and this morning: but grew warm towards night : and before noon it was quite warm. Dust thick yet you can hardly see. We arose about seven and Minnie went back to Mr. Phelps to stay today. Ernie went over to Grandmas so Ma Fred and I were alone. Addie over to Claytons yet. I puttered around all the fore noon at usual things and this afternoon I cut curiosity blocks and stars for a quilt or to finish one. I worked part of the evening at it also. Freddie got shot today but not hurt much.
Sunday, July 24
Hot weather and would have been more so had not the wind blown some. Also very very dusty and smoky. I arose at seven and swept the middle room before breakfast also made the boys bed. Afterwards I washed the dishes and prepared for church and went and heard Bro. Encil preach: also stayed to Sunday School then retirned home and found Charley [haar toekomstige echtgenoot] there who stayed until about ten o’clock in the evening. Mr. Curtis came home with Addie and stayed untill about eleven. I was asleep or nearly so when he went.
Monday, July 25
Pleasant this morning but cloudied up and rained a little about noon and at 1/2 3 we had a very hard thundershower. The wind blew down several trees and done other mischief. Also another shower at dark and a hard one too. Eddie Cowell took me down to school this morning. School passed of as usual. We undertook to have school in the grove a little while: but had to give it up on account of the shower. After school I went up home with Gertie Keeler to stay over night. Retired early.
Tuesday, July 26
Pleasant this morning: but we had one shower and quite a lively one too. Some cooler than has been for a day or two. I arose at 1/2 past six. Gertie slept with me last night. We had breakfast at eight and soon as possible I hastened to school. School passed of pleasantly with 11 scholars. After which I returned to Mr. Albert Keelers to stay over night. No one was there but Mrs. Scott and Ray untill after tea then they returned home. We went and got the calves back into the orchard. I retired in good season feeling tired.
Wednesday, July 27
Pleasant this forenoon and in the afternoon cloudied up and commenced raining and rained untill after five quite lively. I arose at seven and had breakfast at 1/2 past seven. School passed of pleasantly after which I had intended to go home with Rachel Burnside but on account of the rain we waited to the schoolhouse and Mrs. Keeler came for Gertie and persuaded me to go up there. I finished my weeks stant [?] tonight. And Perlie and I retired early feeling tired.
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