• Van Calamity Jane (Martha Jane Canary, 1852-1903) zijn enige brieven en dagboekfragmenten bewaard gebleven (waarvan de echtheid niet vaststaat). Het dagboek was gericht aan haar dochter Janey (Jean Irene O'Neil), die ze na haar geboorte afstond voor adoptie, en die ze nooit heeft teruggezien.
July 25, 1893
I am leaving next month to join Bill Cody's
Wild West Show. I suppose you will wonder what
I will be doing then. I ride a horse bareback,
standing up shoot my old Stetson hat twice after
throwing it in the air before it falls back on my
head. I will do all kind of tricks on horse back,
shooting stunts and soon when the show gets
east maybe you and your daddy Jim O'Neil will
be there to see me. Of course you won't know
who I am but I will know you are my own little
girl, although you are grown up. I must tell you
something I just bought from Joe Stager 320
(1/2 section) (320 acres) up Canyon Creek seven
or eight miles west of Billings. I have a cabin
of logs on it. Paid one dollar per acre to Joe for
it. I have always wanted a home to come back
to a roof over my head that I can call my home.
There is a shack not very far from my hut and
a bunch of outlaws living there. I cook lots of
things for them they pay me well for everything.
What they do is none of my business. I don't
disturb them any, let sleeping dogs lie, is my
motto, some people say they are horse thieves.
If they are I am not running any risk snooping —
I baked them two dozen loaves of bread this
week eight cakes, fifteen mince pies. They paid
me fifty cents a pie, twenty cents a loaf for bread,
and one dollar a cake. I am going to write down
my receipts for you. Maybe some day you might
like to know if I could cook or not. I am proud
of my cooking, especially of my fish dishes cakes
and pies. I made up receipts and try them out
on these outlaws across the way. First I will give
you my--
25 eggs beaten separate
2 1/2 lbs. sugar
2 1/2 lbs. flour
2 1/2 lbs butter
7 1/2 lbs seeded raisins
1 1/2 lbs citron cut very fine
5 lbs currants
pint brandy
1/4 oz. cloves
lb oz. cinnamon
2 oz. mace
2 oz. nutmeg
2 teaspoons yeast powder
2 teaspoons soda and 3 cream of tartar
This cake is unexcelled and will keep to the
last crumb twenty years. Pour over cakes while
still warm the pint of brandy. Seal in tight
crock. This will make 3-cakes eight lbs each.
And now for my yeast which I make the best
bread in the world. Sometime you try this for
yourself and think of me. I call it--
Monday morning, boil one pint of hops in two
gallons of water for one half hour. Strain in a
crock and let stand till luke warm add 2 tea-
spoons salt and half pint flour also half pint
brown sugar. Stir well. On Wednesday add 3
lbs boiled mashed potatoes, stir let stand till
Thursday, strain into stone jugs, leave corks loose
stirring occasionally and keep near fire. Must
be 2 weeks old before using. Then keep in cool
place. lt improves with age. Shake jug before using but remove cork before shaking and hold
palm of hand over spout to prevent yeast escaping. This receipt makes the grandest bread.
And now for my—
A cup grated horseradish
2 tablespoons white sugar
half teaspoon salt
1/2 pints cold vinegar bottle and seal
and to make the sauce take 2 table spoons of
the above add desert spoon olive oil or melted
butter or cream and one spoon prepared mustard.
This sauce is delicious.
ln making omelets, beat 4 eggs — 12 strokes
is the magic number, too much beating makes
the omelet have a thin look. Add 3 tbs milk for
each egg — add to yolks the salt pepper and
lastly the whites beaten stiff.
Have skillet hot. Never use but 4 eggs to an
omelet. Make as many as necessary but only
four and add to the whites 1 teaspoon baking
powder. When ready to serve, add chicken, ham
or any kind of ground meat between the folds—
previously cooked and hot or vegetables may be
added between the omelet folds, cooked and
ready to serve. Grease pan with butter before
frying or baking omelet. Butter size walnut. Add
baking powder to whites.
Some friends brought me from Missouri pecan
nuts which I shell and roll into tiny pieces and
often I sprinkle the nut crumbs between the
omelet folds or in pan cake dough and call them
Nut and Potato pan cakes. I use 1/2 cup mashed
potatoes, 1/2 cup butter 1/2 cup of broken nut
meats, 2 eggs 1 1/2 cups milk enough flour to make batter in which has been sifted 2 1/2 tea
spoons baking powder. Everybody likes these
served with maple syrup and butter and fried
ham or bacon. lf you want to put away a ham
for sometime after cutting off some — rub it with
corn meal and it will keep without becoming
rancid. When fixing Mackerel or Salmon pour
fish in baking dish cover with cracker crumbs
and heavy cream and bake 30 minutes in hot
oven. This fish l call Mackerel Supreme or Salmon High Brow. All biscuit or bread should be
pricked with a fork before putting in an oven.
I can't think of any more receipts just now but
later on I must tell you about John Tinkler ——
recorder - He is a very kind man and said he
would help me with my will whenever I want to
make one for you. I haven't much but I want
you to have my ranch up Canyon Creek also a
few keep sakes and pictures. You are all I have.
Now next time I will write from somewhere in the
east with Buffalo Bill Cody.make batter in which has been sifted 2I/z tea
spoons baking powder. everybody likes these
served with maple syrup and butter and fried
ham or bacon. lf you want to put away a ham
for sometime after cutting off some— rub it with
corn meal and it will keep without becoming
rancid. When fixing Mackerel or Salmon pour
fish in baking dish cover with cracker crumbs
and heavy cream and bake 30 minutes in hot
oven. This fish l call Mackerel Supreme or Sal-
mon High Brow. All biscuit or bread should be
pricked with a fork before putting in an oven.
l can't think of any more receipts just now but
later on l must tell you about John Tinkler——
recorder- He is a very kind man and said he
would help me with my will whenever l want to
make one for you. l haven't much but l want
you to have my ranch up Canyon Creek also a
few keep sakes and pictures. You are all l have.
Now next time l will write from somewhere in the
east with Buffalo Bill Cody.
Good night darling.
Good night darling.
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