• Frances d'Arblay (1752-1840) was een Britse schrijfster. Haar dagboeken zijn gepubliceerd als The Diary and Letters of Madame D'Arblay.
Thursday, June 19.--We heard to-day that Dr. Johnson had been taken
ill, in a way that gave a dreadful shock to himself, and a most anxious
alarm to his friends. Mr. Seward brought the news here, and my father
and I instantly went to his house. He had earnestly desired me, when we
lived so much together at Streatham, to see him frequently if he should
be ill. He saw my father, but he had medical people with him, and could
not admit me upstairs, but he sent me down a most kind message, that
he thanked me for calling, and when he was better should hope to see
me often. I had the satisfaction to hear from Mrs. Williams that the
physicians had pronounced him to be in no danger, and expected a speedy
The stroke was confined to his tongue. Mrs. Williams told me a most
striking and touching circumstance that attended the attack. It was at
about four o'clock in the morning: he found himself with a paralytic
affection; he rose, and composed in his own mind a Latin prayer to the
Almighty, "that whatever were the sufferings for which he must prepare
himself, it would please Him, through the grace and mediation of our
blessed Saviour, to spare his intellects, and let them all fall upon his
body." When he had composed this, internally, he endeavoured to speak it
aloud, but found his voice was gone.
June 20.--I Went in the morning to Dr. Johnson, and heard a good
account of him. Dr. Rose, Dr. Dunbar, and Sam Rose, the Doctor's son,
dined with us. We expected the rest of our party early though the
absence of Dr. Johnson, whom they were all invited to meet, took off the
spirit of the evening.
July 1.--I had the satisfaction to hear from Sir Joshua that Dr.
Johnson had dined with him at the Club. I look upon him, therefore, now,
as quite recovered. I called the next morning to congratulate him, and
found him very gay and very good-humoured.
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