• Virginia Woolf (1882-1941) was een Engelse schrijfster. Ze hield vrijwel haar hele leven een dagboek bij.
Thursday 28 May
Soon after this, I started a headache- flashes of light raying round my eyes,;; and sharp pain; the pain cut into me by Ethel's voice, as she sat telling me - "You've got to listen" - about Adrian Boult, and how he ordered her to leave the room. And then to Rodmell, where the same thing happened -the light round my eyes, but as I could lie still in my bed in my big airy room, the pain was much less. If it were not for the divine goodness of L., how many times I should be thinking of death. At Monks House we had electric light, and the Frigidaire is working. When the electric light fused, we could hardly tolerate Aladdin lamps, so soon is the soul corrupted by comfort. Yesterday men were in the house all day boring holes for electric fires. Wh at more comfort can we acquire? And, though the moralists say when one has a thing one at once finds it hollow, I don't at all agree. I enjoy my luxuries at every turn, and think them wholly good for what I am pleased to call the soul.
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