• Lady Dorothy Katherine Barclay Kennard verbleef in de jaren 1915-1917 in Roemenië en schreef over die periode een dagboek.
February 1916. — When the snow fell really
deep and the surface of it froze, we packed an
outfit for winter sport and entrained for the
mountains. Sinaia is the obvious resort on
these occasions, in the same fashion as it offers for the summer a respite from the dog
days. The hotels stand open in winter, as
does the casino in ordinary years. But this
time the war had closed those treacherous
The hotels are primitive for a country
which inclines instinctively towards display
of luxury. One cannot even obtain a comfortable bath. But Roumania borders enough
upon Eastern countries to catch rays from
their winter sunshine, and it is no hardship
to spend long days out of doors. Bobsleighs
and skis multiplied with marvellous rapidity,
and those amongst us who ignored the possibilities of both were invited to go "footing"
for miles over the snow. Blue-misted valleys
and ravines where mountain water flowed
made switchbacks for pointed hills of fir trees,
and one recalled obscure parts of Switzerland, immortalised in guide-books. Villas
sprouted everywhere, built in painted wood
on the Swiss cottage system, and one was
hard put to it to remember that one was in
the Balkans.
Little of import occurred here, but I myself, who am a maniac for scenery, carried
away a mind-picture of the view from Santa
Anna mountain, where we enjoyed a moonlit
dinner eaten off rugs spread on the snow,
and danced to music made by villagers in a
wooden hut built to shelter travellers overnighted on the peak.
As far as the war was concerned we remained passive spectators only, and that at
an immense distance. But from Ploesti came
the news that the year was to be a record one
for petrol output. The Roumanians themselves are only just beginning to understand
how rich they can so easily become; how
should outsiders guess it! It appears that
on the Austrian frontiers live stock has been
surreptitiously sold in large quantities to the
enemy. But one can hardly call this treachery; the prices offered were stupendous and
the traffickers were peasants. Still, the tale
is not a pretty one in view of the very stringent military laws recently passed, and I am
glad to say that the offenders were duly punished.
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