• Julia Ann Craddock Brumfield (?-?), vrouw van een tabaksplanter in Virginia, hield tussen 1915 en 1936 een dagboek bij, waarvan gedeeltes hier te lezen zijn.
Wednesday, November 6, 1918
A good day. Ben and Mr Owen went to Gretna and solde their tobacco. It solde very well. They got home a while after twelve eat dinner then went to the saw mill and got a load of lumber.
Marvin and Carrie went to Altavista this evening. Mr Mayhew and Rena went with them also Virginia Harvey.
Josie went up there and kept the children. They left Hazel at home. Josie says that they done fine. I went up to Marvins a little while then come home. Henry come with me. We shucked corn enough to feed on to night and in the morning. Ben has gone up to Marvins to help hunt a mink that killed a chicken this morning.
8 oclock
Thursday, November 7, 1918
A good day. Ben hauled lumber from the mill. He brough three loads. Josie sewed some to day. I went to George Blairs. There was no one at home but Denia. George had gone to Gretna with tobacco. The rest of them had gone to Max Creasys burial.
John Dalton was buried this evening. There is more sickness and deaths than I ever heard of in the same length of time. Heard today that Dick Wooding is very sick.
Tonight Ben and Josie has gone to Strait Stone for groceries.
8 oclock
Friday, November 8, 1918
A good day. Ben and Owen hauled a load of lumber from Davis's mill this morning and from Hubbards this evening.
Josie washed some this morning. I got dinner. This evening Grace and Hugh Brumfield and I went to White Falls fishing. Did not catch any thing. Grace carried me on the buggy. I did not get home until dark. I churned tonight. Josie washed dishes.
Ben caught a pig this morning and broke its leg. I hope it may get well.
8 oclock
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