• Caroline Barnes Crosby (1807-1884) was een mormoonse Amerikaanse vrouw, die in haar dagboeken (gepubliceerd in No Place To Call Home) veel heeft vastgelegd over het leven in een mormonengemeenschap in de 19de eeuw.
[30 Miles from Salt Lake Valley, Oct 8, 1848]
Sunday morning Oct 8th 1848 Yesterday came ten miles, staid near a small
creek, had some very bad places to pass; br Barnard’s buggee capsised but
did no injury of any account. This morning is very pleasant and warm.
We are now almost thirty miles from the valley. Three days more will (we
hope) land us at our place of destination. I hope I shall be truly thankful
to God for his preserving care through so long and tidious a journey.
Monday morn. Yesterday we travelled about 9 miles through very bad roads
camped in a valley or canyon entirely surrounded by mountains. Soon
after we stoped we were joined by a frenchman and an indian with their
families, who were going to the valley to buy provision. The frenchman
has a squaw for his wife, they also had a young man and girl from the valley
which they had hired, the young woman had been making butter and cheese for them.
Monday we came only a short distance. Father Luce’s
wagon tire got broken had to stop to get mended. Br A Lyman, Flake and
two other men came by us on horseback going on to the valley.
Tuesday we ascended and descended a very high mountain the
teams had all they could do to draw the loads, on arriving at the top we
had a glimpse of the valley of salt lake which we had so long been striving
to reach. We all rejoiced and thought we were the same as there, but
when we came to descend the mountain we found we had one of the
worst and most crooked roads to pass over that ever was seen, we however
got through safely and arrived within 14 miles of our place of destination
before dark.
Wed— 11th warm and pleasant we some expect to roll into
the valley to day.
[Arrival at Salt Lake Valley, Oct. 12, 1848]
Thu Oct 12th, Yesterday we were detained by rain, we travelled untill 3 or
4 oclock and then stoped, this morning is very pleasant, intend to make
the best of our way into the valley, a little after noon we ascended and
descended the last hill, found two families living in tents close the mouth
of the canyon. I understood they had salt for sale, I went and bought some
for salaratus. About 4 oclock we arrived within the fort the fi rst we saw of
our acquaintances Phill B Lewis he told us sister P was at his house close
by the gate we had just come through.
[Caroline’s initial daily journal ends upon completion of her venturesome wagon
trip from the Des Moines River to the Great Salt Lake Valley. What follows is a
fairly brief reminiscent account of the subsequent two years spent in Utah.]
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