• Elizabeth Sandwith Drinker (1735-1807) was een Amerikaanse huisvrouw. Ze hield een groot deel van haar leven een dagboek bij.
July 19. On sixth day last ye Well in our yard was opened in order to
repair ye Pump, which has been long out of order, and this day a new
tree put down, and ye well closed again, which gives me satisfaction, as I
always looked upon open wells of any kind as very dangerous where
there are young children. An account to day of a Fort at Stony Point
being taken by y" Americans, by surprise, and 500 of ye British being
taken Prisoners; on which account ye Bells have been ringing most of
ye afternoon.
July 22. Fifth day. This morning after breakfast, Sally crossed the
river with Benj. and Molly Swett, to go with them in their waggon, as
far as John Hopkins, where they leave her to spend a few days.
July 23. Sammy Fisher was this day tried at Court, and brought in
guilty of Misprison of Treason, for which they say he is to forfeit half
his Estate, and suffer imprisonment during the war. Ye jury brought in
verdicts to clear him twice, but being sent out a third time, they returned
with an opposite verdict. Fine Liberty!
July 24. S. Fisher received sentence this day and is imprisoned.1
Recd a letter from Sally by Billy Sansom.
July 29. Jemmy Smith drank tea with us yesterday, he has not been
to see us before since he was apprentice.
Ye town meeting has concluded more quietly than many expected—
tho' they are differing much among themselves, which may be one reason
why peaceable People are left quiet.
Johnny Drinker, Robt Jones and 6 or 8 others were named at ye State
House as Persons against whom they pretended to have found matter —
this was addressed to ye People, or ye mobility, but nothing has yet come
of it.
July 31. Upwards of 400 British Prisoners past by our door this
morning, guarded in their way to ye new Jail — they were taken some
time ago at Stony-Point Fort.
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