Clear and Cold. I was Calld at 3h morn[ing] to See the Lady of Capt[ain] Ney who was Del[ivere]d about 5 of a Son, which w[eighe]d 13 lb. it Measured round ye Breast (after being Drest in thin Cloaths) 18 inches. I left her and infant Cleverly after breakfast. Calld to See mrs Norcross, find her but feeble. mr Ballard went to ye hook, Cyrus been to Pittst[ow]n. Nabby washt and went to See her Sister, Phillip is gone to his Fathers. I was at mr Morses.
Martha Ballard (1735-1812) was een Amerikaanse vroedvrouw in Massachusetts. Vanaf haar vijftigste hield ze 27 jaar een dagboek bij, dat de basis vormde voor een boek en een film (1998).
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