Wednesday, June 1
An alarm last night. I had charge of the Picket line on the left. This morning the 16 ordered to advance. Carried the enemies rifle Pitts and advanced to the brow of the Hill, when I was shot in the right thigh. Alas poor Yorick-
Thursday, June 2
Suffered terribly from my operation yesterday the ball having passed through the flesh of the hip going also entirely through the Ilium bone from this point the surgeon has been unable to trace it, but I know what he thinks. He thinks that it has passed into the bowels and that I will die.
Friday, June 3
We moved yesterday in ambulances the enemy occupying the ground one hour after we left Jack Wood stuk (sic) his head in the ambulance last night and inquired for me. I was almost dead. He immediately commenced rousing me. This morning Lieut Long of Gen Bartletts staff brought in. Racked(?) up in Army wagons for White House this P.M.
Saturday, June 4
Moved last night from Hospital in Army Wagons for White House under rugged roads. night, the drivers drunk we came near dying The Train, bivouwacked 3 miles from W. Moved in the morning after Lieut. Long & self gone the Surgeon, in his knowledge of duty, had been stopped by 2 Corps train carried to Hospital borne on stretcher to Steamer Wenonah
Sunday, June 5
Passed a wretched night. Started at daylight down the river suffered excruciating pain all day. No Drs on board who appear to take interest in me, nothing to eat only what Jack forages. Passed Yorktown today, but not strength enough to look out of the window at it.
Monday, June 6
Easier this morning but filled with Hope because we are at new home. Arrived at W.[ashington] 6th St. Wharf at 10 ordered back to Alexandria. Urged to go to W. placed in Tug arrived at W. at 3 lay in the wharf til 7 then carried in Trade wagon to Armory Square Hospital.
Tuesday, June 7
Felt quite comfortable this morning – rested all last night. The Dr. will not probe my wound. Wrote to Mrs Houseright she answered by coming Mr. Stephen Mossett with her, what a funny man.
Edward Hill (1835-1900) was een Amerikaanse officier die vocht en gewond raakte in de Amerikaanse burgeroorlog. Zijn Civil War Diary is hier te lezen.
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