April 22, 1899. — We went to see a procession of
priests at the Chionin Temple. It was a wonder-
ful spectacle, the hundred and fifty priests being
adorned in gorgeous robes and brocades of all
colours and designs. They walked in single file
on a mat, under a long covered-in bridge, towards
the beautiful temple. Their walk was slow and
dignified, and they held half-open fans in their right
hands. They intoned in unnatural voices, yet with
a faultless measure and a musical rhythm that
fascinated the ear, a curious chant of thanksgiving
and of praise, a chant which rose and fell, full of
quavers and of weird tone trills. In the midst of
this procession, but by no means heading it, was one
more magnificently attired than his brethren, who,
we were informed, was the head priest. This gor-
geous individual was clothed from head to foot in
rich ceremonial garments of deep red silk, and was
attended by two small acolytes, dressed in pure
white. Before the entrance to the temple, lying on
the ground; was an immense bronze horo (incense
burner) in the form of an elephant. The incense
rose from the horo in heavy clouds ; and as each priest
approached it, he paused before it, while the song
of praise grew more and more impressive. Then,
adding incense to the supply, he bowed down in deep
veneration, after which he stepped over the korOy
and, Ufting the heavy curtain to the entrance of the
shrine, disappeared within.
Eleanora Mary Haggard d'Anethan (1860-?, de zus van de romanschrijver Henry Rider Haggard) was de vrouw van baron Albert d'Anethan, die 17 jaar de Belgische afgezant in Japan was. Mary hield gedurende het grootste deel van die tijd een dagboek bij: Fourteen years of diplomatic life in Japan.
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