Saturday, Jan 14, 1882
There was a frightful accident on the Hudson River R. R. last night near Spuytenduyvil the train being run into from the rear and eight or ten passengers killed and some roasted alive by the burning cars. Some of the accounts are of the very saddest. A young bride and groom married in Vermont only the day before. They were found she with her arms about him and one hand burned off. Another of a lady coming from Vermont to meet her husband. She had telegraphed she was coming and he was at the Grand Central depot to meet her. The train did not come, then came rumors of disaster and finally he went up there only to find her charred remains. It made me very sad to read the dreadful details. The annual meeting of the Century occured this evening. The old ticket elected, I among the Trustees. A feature of the evening was the appearance of Oscar Wilde in his breeches, stockings and knee buckles. He is a much younger looking man than I supposed, appeared very easy and had a rather pleasing face although the lower part is sensual looking. He excited a great deal of interest although but few were introduced to him. I dined with Collins at the Union League club and we came from there to the Century.
Jervis McEntee (1828-1891) was een Amerikaaanse schilder. Hij hield van 1872 tot 1890 een dagboek bij.
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