Wednesday, Dec 7, 1887
Bought some little Xmas things at the Japanese store and came to my room and stretched a number of my studies. In a short time Eastman came and made a long call, as he said last evening he intended to. Curiously enough Hall came and knocked at my door while he was here. I told him Eastman was here but he said he would rather not see him. Coast[?] came in and I asked him to go along up to Schaus' house in 38th St. to see Rembrandts "Gilder" for which I had a card. I think it a masterly picture although it was not shown by a favorable light, and am glad I went to see it. I met there Hiram Romeyn and Mr. and Mrs. Avery who were quite cordial and friendly and I tried to be the same. I was intending to go to the Social meeting at the Academy this evening, but Bowyer brought a friend in to dinner, a Mr. Warder of Springfield Ohio and he had sent for three tickets for the theatre, thinking Marion would go, but she had gone out to spend the night and he wanted me to go, which I did. We went to Dalys to see the "Railroad of Love." It was a very good play and well acted with Ada Rehan, Mrs. Gilbert, Drew, Lewis, and Chas Fisher. After the play I took them around to the Century where we had some oysters. Some of the artists came in from the Academy, St. Gaudens, Twachtman, Alden Weir, Low, Shirlaw and Perry.
Jervis McEntee (1828-1891) was een Amerikaaanse schilder. Hij hield van 1872 tot 1890 een dagboek bij.
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