Saturday, June 5.-- It being many years since I had been in Epworth
before, I went to an inn in the middle of the town, not knowing whether
there were any left in it now who would not be ashamed of my
acquaintance. But an old servant of my father's, with two or three poor
women, presently found me out. I asked her, "Do you know any in Epworth
who are in earnest to be saved?" She answered, "I am, by the grace of
God; and I know I am saved through faith." I asked, "Have you then the
peace of God? Do you know that He has forgiven your sins?" She replied,
" I thank God I know it well. And many here can say the same thing."
John Wesley (1703-1791) was een Britse theoloog en predikant. Hij is de grondlegger van het methodisme. Hij hield zo'n 50 jaar een journaal bij.
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