Monday, June 30, 1884
Mary & Calvert went to N. Y. by the W. S. train this morning. I attended to the tomatoes and made a frame to train them on and picked some cherries and went down town. This afternoon I made a startling discovery that I had got vermin on me but where I have not the remotest idea. While I was dressing a carriage drove up with a lady & gentleman which proved to be Major Wilkinson & Julia. They came up to put Edith on the train to go to the mountains with Louise and visited with me until half past five when they took the boat for home. I urged them to stay over night. They want Sara and me to come down Wednesday and make them a little visit when Mary who is there will come home with us. My father and Sara came home this evening having come from Utica to Kingston between half past three and 7 o'clock. They have had a satisfactory visit and my father looks well.
Jervis McEntee (1828-1891)was een Amerikaanse schilder. Hij hield van 1872-1890 een dagboek bij.
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